Did Beethoven fill out time sheets?
How is it Professionals know what to do?
Exploring and Developing our Vitality
We all have talents and aptitudes from an early age.
Creativity gives meaning and unfolds as an inherent language we trust.
What happens within us as an internal state, reflects what we can do externally. For example, as we tackle fears and anxieties, broaden our lives, focus in discipline on our projects, we have more capacity to be creative and capable. Another way to develop is by laying one brick upon the other, then over time we look back and see we have built something we did not have before. We learn some of these lessons from people around us who pass their knowledge onto us. It is never about being the same as another person – that indicates our own issues, or having their virtuosity. It is about participating in life and the rewards and the comforts from the space we can have and develop over time. In that healthier context, we are able to enjoy and learn from those who are more “virtuoso” than ourselves – a good thing.
When we are younger we may experience blockages preventing us expanding our awareness and freedom, such as negativity from others, or long term hurts we felt deeply. If these things are not dealt with, such as with forgiveness, we actually suffer, blocking ourselves off from others, denying facts, using conditional love on others, and more. This is how life works, but over time it becomes further and further out of control.
Boredom is a sign of our restriction, not our potential. And, along the way people will insist you cannot be who you are meant to be. More is involved of course – crisis changes who we are, pushing past barriers hones our focus, heeding our spiritual life as primary, self no longer in primary position, letting go of what does not matter. All of these aspects promote our sense of, and actual usefulness to others, our liberty instead of anxiety, developing personal creativity and distinct reward. Life is value, both tangible and non-tangible.
IT Technology & Design
A Solutions Architecture and Design Approach
IT Technology & Design
A Solutions Design & Architecture Approach
Over 25 years experience in IT with ASX listed and International companies.
I was an in-country specialist & Solutions Design Architect in the field of business communications, enjoying access to a wide range of Enterprise resources and people.
SDA – Solutions Design and Architecture – encourages you and those around you within the context of initiative, talent and aptitude, to facilitate the creative and technical design of low-risk delivery IT projects, including all kinds of projects such as financials, payment systems, email, web design, photography and more. This approach is based on IT best practices and business principles as known by industry professionals across the board.
If we see definitive behavioural problems, people use controls like enforcement, anger, conditional approval, or as worse case, bullying or threat to conduct their projects. We will see a wide spectrum of these behaviours in the work force.
For over 25 years I learnt the value and reliability of not working on the basis of bad behaviours, instead all my projects being enjoyable and successful with constructs such as transparency and respect – not one failure.
solutions = people ≠ brochures
There are no IT “metrics” for “added value” or what we do behind the scenes.
Each of my projects were conducted with transparency with no project failures in my entire career. How is this possible?
Fear of failure and non-transparency is not a healthy and supposed “conservative” position, but inability to move forward, with loss of opportunity and reward to oneself and others. Failure has a broader definition at times than the obvious.
Planned risk and an inherent energy yields higher success rates with the right skills and people around us. Solutions help us see, providing incentive for change. Of course, not everyone wants change. On the other hand, some changes are bad, showing a lack of solution awareness. A solution is not just a technical achievement. Imagine a team leader saying, how do we better the experience of clients for both themselves and our revenue? I have always seen possible solutions. However, some people come up with demands, telling people what their “solutions” will be, irrespective of the outcomes. We can take any IT and people problems, and come up with inventive, surprising solutions. We always can. The good solutions will save money. In the lack of that trust and experience, people come up with bad solutions. The bad solutions will cost more money, even anger. We see this all the time.
Actual failure is usually the absence of the right conditions for solutions design. This means people do not know how to make decisions, take ownership, use intuition, or support mentoring. Good IT people will be noticed in the long-run by colleagues and clients, having a much sort after commodity called “added value”.
Creativity is one of our greatest drives.
Being comfortable with our experience may unsettle those on their own turbulent path.
Some are unsettled at others’ success or as opportunity arises.
Common sense, research, intelligence and good practice enables project solutions. At times a solution is necessary but limited by current technology. Seemingly pleasant, regarded people may threaten or attempt to block our work without offering a viable alternative, even insisting our project will fail. Managers under panic or pressure may be unable to make calm, rational mission critical decisions when we know our solution will succeed.
“It won’t work! It cannot work!” [Senior mainframe engineer for an aircraft maintenance project.]
“I will stop your work if it is not finished in seven days!” [Translation of legacy data on a multi-million dollar project.]
“I won’t co-operate with you because no one else can do my job.” [Project for an ASX listed financial company.]
“I won’t let anyone else help you. Do it all yourself.” [Major proposal for all Australian residents.]
Substantiated solutions with behind the scenes support from specialists, developers, labs, technical papers, proof of concept and testing, commitments to delivery with associated financials, all of which follow industry best practice, ensure positive outcomes
These successes climb above any negative background noise as demonstrated in the above examples.
Usually unsubstantiated fall-backs have major faults or are technically non-viable. We are confronted by these kinds of behaviours, but we know the backbone of our experience and knowledge because other people we work with along the way are true. Good solutions do not second guess or leave a void from unknown or untested alternatives.
Education and experience equals knowledge and reliability.
Artistic and conscientious people together realise enterprising and beneficial programs.
Creativity co-exists with Conscientiousness